Even though it's in the 70s here in North Texas, we are still technically in the middle of winter. So then, what better time than now to build a marshmallow igloo and talk about the STEM behind them?...
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Convection in Action: Witness how temperature drives convection
Convection is how a liquid or gas moves due to temperature, and it's everywhere from the boiling water on a stovetop to the massive clouds you see in the sky. Actually seeing convection in action can...
We use our reflexes on a daily basis: catching a ball that is flying toward you, dodging obstacles (like toys on the floor), or grabbing a plate before it crashes to the floor. What's going on in...
Most kids love taking baths and enjoy it even more when there's something different involved (bubbles, paint, new toys). I've got a fun addition to bathtime that doubles as a STEM lesson! This...
If you have kids who ask thought-provoking questions like mine, you might run into the question, "Does air weigh anything?". Since air has mass and there is gravity here on Earth, air has a...
If your child enjoys playing with Play-Doh and you want to add a STEM lesson to their play, I've got the experiment for you today! This experiment gives children the chance to learn about the...